An extrusion system is, in the last resort, a system to produce plastic materials, processing raw materials and turning it into a different more refined and complex end material. In order to have the extrusion system profitably supporting a complete production process, it is essential to optimize the extrusion system performance.
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Enhancing plastic production business performance
As a whole, the optimization of a plastic extrusion system is crucial to make plastic production business profitable. In this context, it is essential to select the right screen changer. Although several factors come into play when optimizing a plastic extrusion system, screen changer performance is often the most significant one.
Nonetheless, extrusion system performance does not only deal with technological factors; several elements, associated with costs and work organization, have a strong impact on the mentioned performance.
A screen changer to maximize extrusion process
How to choose the right screen changer? What aspects should be considered? What factors can be improved by equipping your extrusion system with an advanced screen changer?
Our recommendation is to equip your system with a cutting-edge automatic continuous screen changer, such as Gorillabelt T. Let’s analyse the reasons why this choice would offer plentiful benefits.
Make your plastic extrusion system faster, more efficient and less expensive
Enhance your extrusion system with an automatic continuous screen changer: you will improve your business productivity and minimize issues and costs.
Equip your extrusion line with an automated continuous screen changer like Gorillabelt T to improve your production, making it more efficient and minimizing issues and costs. Gorillabelt T optimises production output and speed, while minimizing raw material procurement costs. Gorillabelt T benefits are the following:
- 24/7 production run: Gorillabelt T does not need any maintenance or surveillance or manual interventions.
- Increase in the overall system output: Gorillabelt T is the fastest screen changer available on the market.
- Money saving, using less expensive raw materials. The use of post-industrial plastics or highly contaminated post-consumer plastics requires high filtering power (only available with the most advanced screen changers like Gorillabelt T) but material procurement costs are minimized (recycled plastics) and economic benefits are immediate, right from the first use.
A faster, more flexible and more efficient plastic extrusion system
How to make your extrusion system faster, more flexible and more efficient: improve your business quality and profitability.
Production output parameters and different material process capability are essential factors for screen changer performance and, more generally, are significant for overall extrusion system performance. You can maximize your recycled plastics extrusion system by equipping it with Gorillabelt T; in other words, you will be enabled to:
- Diversify production and produce any type of thermoplastics including PET – Gorillabelt T can process any plastic material – PET / recycled plastics / post-consumer raw materials – thus dramatically increasing system flexibility and offering production diversification.
- Increase production output – screen changers like Gorillabelt T can process up to up to 3,000 kg/hour, besides being maintenance and downtime free so as to minimize maintenance costs.
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of plastics extrusion system
How can a screen changer make an extrusion system better, smarter, faster, more profitable and more flexible?
Thanks to automatic and continuous screen changers like Gorillabelt T operating in your plastics extrusion system, you will be enabled to focus on factors that are essential for the overall optimization of your business profitability:
- Reduce material waste to zero – Gorillabelt T screen changer is a zero-melt-waste solution. Equip your recycled plastics extrusion system with Gorillabelt T and you will use 100% of your raw material, without any scrap or waste. Zeroing material waste improves your system performance and make your business more profitable.
- Reduce personnel costs – Gorillabelt T screen changer offers unrivalled automated processes and you will be able to run a 24/7 production without interruptions or downtimes or personnel attendance. Moreover, Gorillabelt T doesn’t require frequent maintenance interventions or shutdowns, thus zeroing expensive manual interventions.
- Save energy – upon integrating an automatic and continuous screen changer into a plastics extrusion line, power consumption is a key factor. The automatic and continuous screen changer runs uninterruptedly 24/7, therefore, minimizing power consumption is essential to cost affordability. Gorillabelt T max power consumption is lower than 25 kWh – the lowest in its category on recycled plastics extrusion systems.
Equip your extrusion system with an automatic and continuous screen changer
How to optimize your extrusion system? To act on the above-mentioned factors, the most effective and efficient choice is to equip it with an automatic and continuous screen changer like Gorillabelt T. Enhance your business – make it more productive, minimizing issues and costs.
Find out more about Cofit screen changers on our website, contact us for any additional information, and join us on LinkedIn.