In the circular economy model, plastics is a key element. Today, all plastics products are designed and manufactured with recycling in mind to avoid wasting resources and to minimize climate impact. In such a backdrop, the circular economy model implemented in the plastics industry has proved to be effective.
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If you run a plastics production system, stop producing new plastics and maximize the implementation of circular economy principles. It’s time to recycle, it’s time for smart plastics filtering. As a matter of fact, smart plastics filtering is closely associated with efficient circular economy model implementation.
Consider top performing filtering solutions
Today, the production of clean plastics from cheap highly-contaminated post-consumer materials has proved to be achievable and extremely profitable.
In order to obtain clean plastics from highly-contaminated materials through an extrusion process, you should consider top-quality filtering solutions. To this regard, automatic and continuous screen changers intended for plastics extrusion are essential and strategic components.
The most advanced zero-melt-waste screen changer
At Cofit, we have spent more than 50 years in designing and manufacturing screen changers – today, our automatic and continuous screen changers intended for plastics recycling support circular economy. Cofit Gorillabelt T is the lowest energy solution on the market and represents the most advanced zero-melt-waste screen changer for plastic extrusion systems.
Find out more about Cofit screen changers on our website, contact us for any additional information, and follow us on LinkedIn.